The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


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1172790000 Virgin Islands After cleaning the boat, we departed for the Virgin Islands. On our way to Tortola, we visited the Baths, a spectacular natural attraction.

1172617200 Arrival at the harbor of Marigot/St. Martin Travelling along the string of pearls of the Small Antilles, we reached the old harbor of Marigot, St. Martin. Thanks to large banderoles hanging in the streets and saying "Visitez le bateau solaire!", many enthusiastic people came to inspect the "sun21".

1172271600 Off to St. Martin Our open-boat invitation in Goyave, Guadeloupe, was again very successful: Before his departure, Mark Wüst demonstrated the solar catamaran to a big crowd of visitors, amongst them a lot of children. With our new co-skipper Jean-Claude Pichon, we are now heading northwards.

1171926000 Marie Galante and Gouadeloupe After an interview with Fitzroy Armour on sperm whales, we left Dominica heading towards the islands Marie Galante and Gouadeloupe. On the occasion of the "sun21"'s arrival on Marie Galante, the mayor of Grand-Bourg and environmental activist Alain Bourg addressed the present ecological threats in their speeches.

1171839600 Visions of energy self-sufficiency In Dominica, school children and high school students showed great interest in the solar boat.The Carib chief of the Kalinago people, Charles Williams, was highly motivated to consider options for a power system with solar, wind and geothermal energy for his territory.

1171753200 La Martinique: Threats and Opportunities Climate change is one of the biggest threats to La Martinique. Oil is still dominating and the traffic is overwhelming. To change this, some steps have already been taken: Four windmills are in action and there are solar installations providing renewable energy.

1171494000 Visiting St. Pierre Our journey continues, however, without David Senn who had to return to Switzerland due to his teaching commitment. On our way to Saint Pierre, we learn about the main event of local history: the volcanic eruption in 1902. The mayor of St. Pierre and many other people take the opportunity to inspect the solar catamaran.

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