The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


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1174258800 Luperon – Dominican Republic Portrait of a pioneer country in organic banana plantation.

1174258800 Labyrinth of islands Floating through shallow, clear turquoise water, we are trying to find our way through a confusing abundance of islands, atolls, reefs, cliffs, lagoons and stranded ships.

1174086000 Long Cay Island – Bahamas Great Inagua Island is so flat that it would drown following the scenario evoked by Al Gore's "The Inconvenient Truth". In the harbor of Matthew Town, 21st century technology meets 16th century tradition.

1173913200 Great Inagua Island – Bahamas After quite a stormy night and a near collision with a cargo ship, we arrived at Matthew Town on Great Inagua Island, Bahamas.

1173567600 Reaching the Dominican Republic The island hopping is over – the stretches between our destinations have grown longer again. On 7 March, we reached the Dominican Republic.

1173135600 In touch with home In touch with home – how we communicate with our families and friends back home.

1172962800 The sun21 in top form Our journey took us to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The "sun21" more and more unfolds its power potential. We often arrive with fully charged batteries at our stopover places.

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