The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


Jan 16, 2007: Stormy sea again

23°C / 73°F
Position:18° 50' N-33° 10' W
Wind: 37km/h

Because of the cloudy weather, we were not able to fully recharge the batteries today. We are still on our own, a storm swallow and a lonely sailor being our only companions.

Last night, our skipper Michel found a storm swallow on the kitchen stairs. The bird was confused and we were concerned that it had collided with the boat; but after a short break it flew back into the darkness. It is so impressive to see a solitary storm swallow flying around the waves even during daytime, all alone in this vast space, far away from the coast, from any island. We, too, are normally gliding along completely alone. However, today is an exception: Another lonely sailor passed by. First, it seemed that he wanted to approach us; but then, he disappeared towards the South. In general, the sea was rather rough today – waves of 3 to 5 meters in height – making leisurely deck life nearly impossible. The sky was almost overcast, which resulted in a deficit of battery charging. The cloudy weather is due to the relatively low pressure (around 1017 mb).

Sea: "mer forte"
Mileage today: a 100 miles.


Uli Burgin:

Greetings from the Pacific Ocean! Saturday I was on a 95' (motor) boat on a trip to the Coronado Islands off Baja California. Most exciting sighting: Risso's Dolphins, breaching, and a sunfish (Mola mola). Rather rough sea, which gave me a good idea how hard it must be to look at plankton through a microscope under these conditions.

Your Weblog is fascinating, all the marine life you encounter! A "storm swallow", would that be a storm petrel, Hydrobates?

I'm already looking forward to your next entries. Who is playing the violins? (I'm a cellist.)

Best wishes to all of you

Max Banziger, London:

Dear David,

Listened to Oistrach's Beethoven concerto in D last night and was thinking of you. Regards to all the crew, and Godspeed,
