The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


Dec 08, 2006: sun21 - storm proof

14°C / 57°F
Position:33.4 N-7.4 W
Wind: 10km/h

"sun21" storm-proof - slowed down by rough sea and scarce sunlight – landing in Casablanca.

The night from Dec. 5 to 6 is the first big challenge for our "sun21". Stormy weather brings winds with wind forces between 5 and 6. Waves of 4 – 6 meters, sometimes from different directions, move us or slap against the two hulls. During the whole night, the rough sea juggles with us.
Mark and Michel take turns in steering the boat. The rest of us remain in the cabins trying to sleep, listening to the wild dance of the night. In the morning, the elements calm down. "sun21" has overcome the storm very well – it has passed another serious test.
At this latitude and weather conditions, sunlight is scarce. The days are short and they become shorter. The angle of incidence of the sunbeams is flat. Considering the predicted weather, we again risk to float as a raft in the stormy sea. Therefore, our skipper decides to land in Casablanca and to wait there for optimal weather conditions.
7 December – early afternoon – we are entering the giant harbor of this big Moroccan town. We are happy: The "sun21" has passed another challenge – it made it from Spain to Casablanca with solar energy only, despite unfavorable conditions. We are cruising between huge empty freighters that are swaying to and fro and waiting for new cargo. Harbor officials accompany us to a ramp where the "sun21" ducks behind the 3800 passenger luxury boat "Musica". Today, a stormy cold weather front is passing, much rain for Casablanca. We again wait for a sunny sky  for our journey to Lanzarote.



Hello, i write from Italy, i have a little solar boat (5 meters) and i have had little problem too during a little storm here in Capraia Island. I am with YOU. GOOD LUCK!