The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


Jan 06, 2007: Plankton Research

23°C / 73°F
Position:25° 16’ 5 N-18° 49’ 2 W
Wind: 28km/h

Plankton research reveals a very rich spectrum of species

This morning the sky was partly cloudy. Therefore, the charging of the batteries did not show a maximum. At present time, the batteries are charged to 50 percent; but the angle of the sunrays is much better at this latitude, and considerable improvements of the charging process could be achieved in Lanzarote. Like that, a higher percentage of the solar energy can be stored now in the batteries in addition to the propulsion of the electric motors.

David Senn took up his plankton research again. Yesterday, he collected a very rich spectrum of species, among them the blue salp (phyllum of the chordata, class of tunicata), a barrel shaped animal, transparent like glass that can filter smaller plankton with its gills and use it as food. He also found Carinaria, a special pelagic snail. Carinaria is a quite large marine snail (Gastropoda). It is perfectly adapted to life in the pelagic environment. This 6 cm long animal is completely transparent, appearing like glass. Thus, it is camouflaged in the open water, an unstructured space to live. Unlike other Gastropoda (snails), it does not creep but it swims. And, compared to the basic anatomical plan of Gastropoda, it lives in a reverse position, upside down, the ventral side directed upward. Propulsion is performed by an undulating fin, which – anatomically - is a modified foot. The caudal part extends as a finlike steering organ. The animal does not develop a shell; part of the gut and the liver are concentrated in a pigmented sack; small gills extend from this place. The head shows two distinct eyes. The tube-shaped mouth extends upwards in order to catch smaller plankton. David Senn has seen this animal for the first time; but his teacher Adolf Portmann presented it in a lecture that David remembers.

Other than that, we today had a view that has not changed much since the times of Diaz, Columbus, Maghellan & Co.: 360 degrees of sea, grey-blue, with small and big foam crests ("mer agitée"). Winds from the North at a speed of 15 knots, sky cloudy, speed 4 knots. We covered 107 miles today.


Vally, Judith+Ruedi:

Danke für Ausdauer, Berichte und schönen Weihnachtsbrief von Martin, der uns BärenfelslerInnen sehr gefreut hat.

Hansjörg Hänggi:

Ich verfolge eure Reise und eure interessanten Berichte. Toll! Beat: good luck!


Echo aus Rifferswil:

Weiterhin viel Erfolg bei der Suche nach Primeurs!

Gruss aus der Engelgasse

rolf rauschenbach:

Basel, January 9, 2007

Dear Martin and Crew

Thank you for the snail mail as well as for the blog-updates. I appreciate the mix of information!

Could you comment in one of your next blogs on the communication technology you are using on high sea? How easy and costly is it to upload/download emails, pictures and video? When i was travelling by a cargo vessel from Bilbao to Rio de Janeiro in 1999, the satellite phone was so expensive that i did not even dream of calling home...

I keep my fingers crossed for your endeavour! all the best - rolf

Fitzroy Armour:

Wonderful way to start 2007.

We are getting more and more excited as your arrival date in Waitikubuli (Dominica) approaches.

Have you all been seeing many whales along the way?

Your arrival into the Caribbean coincides with that of the wonderful love songs of the male humpback whale.

We have reserved your cottages at Picard Beach Wellness eco cottages where you can refresh and be awoken on tera firma to the fluttering wings of a humming bird.

the excitement of your arrival is evident by the school children all who we tell.

Is arrival time now going to be earlier as you have decided to skip cape verde?

Safe journey
