The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


Dec 17, 2006: Friendly guests -­ unexpected danger

23°C / 73°F
Position:28° 32′ 11″ N-15° 43′ 17″ W
Wind: 10km/h

The miracle of photovoltaic cells -­ approaching Lanzarote -­ friendly guests -­ unexpected danger: polluted sea - good atmosphere on board.

Sunshine all day long, 23 °C, East wind (B.  2), waves of up to one yard. Our solar panels are harvesting enough solar energy for the propulsion of the 11-ton-boat, for charging the batteries for the night, for all the electrical appliances we use ­ in December, at this latitude. Solar cells made out of silicon, sand, no noise, no pollution, not wearing out. It's stunning.

The animals like the boat too: Dolphins belong to our regular visitors. This morning, about twenty of them, among them several calves, accompanied us for more than half an hour, dancing around the boat, diving curiously in the stern area to explore the slowly and silently turning carbon propellers. They look at us. We hear their breathing and sometimes even their calls. Also, a sea turtle was not at all afraid of the "sun21". It continued to paddle peacefully on the surface of the sea when we approached it, ­ sticking out its head and puffing from time to time.

Fisher net debris floats frequently in the sea. During two nights, one of our motors was blocked by pieces of ropes.  Fortunately, Mark likes to dive. He removes the strings and ropes in the morning from the propellers.

The atmosphere among us could not be better. We are taking turns in the every day duties in a natural way, ­ without having to plan or discuss them. Tomorrow, we will arrive in Lanzarote.


Danny, Naomi & Kai - OCEANSPIRITS.CH:

Dear SUN21-Team - We are sure that all the animals like your silent catamaran. No noise and no emissions - pure nature. All the best for your journey. Danny, Naomi & Kai


To Mark and all, we like the good news, for chrismas we are all in klosters inkl. Ome-mother. we wish you all the best..

and speed.....

Michel.Chartrand (Québec):

Je suis fasciné,par votre aventure,et régulièrement je visite votre site pour prendre de vos nouvelles.

J'en profite pour vous souhaiter un Joyeux Noel,et je continu de vous suivre.

Merci .


Dieter, Ines & Children:

Dear Martin, Beat und the rest of the crew. It's great to be as close with you thanks to your reports. I sailed myself this leg from Europe to the Cap Verde Islands, as a sailor on e Swiss cargoship, have seen the dolphins and sharks, smelled the spicy breeze and felt the moving sea, probable not as close as you can experience it now. I envy you very much and wich you more such strong and beautiful moments. I gues, it will be e very special X-mas and New Year for you.

All the best.


Louis Borgenicht:

I awaken every morning to read of your journey on my laptop instead of the New York Times. I was worried when the blog did not load immediately. I had only to wait. Patience..a lesson I should have learned from Martin years ago.

Marlies - Krypta:

Dear Martin, dear all of you, including dolphins and other kind creatures visiting, accompanying you on your fascinating journey. I'm so glad to get your news, to know you're all well. I'd love to see some pictures of the dolphins... Watching them must be great! My thoughts are with you day by day. Keep on. Love, Marlies

klaus and sibylle warnecke, ggb, bremen:

we wish all the best for your very important journey, wich will give an impulse for many countries. Today we have holy evening, and now we are thinking to you and your catamaran in the lonely great ocean. klaus, sibylle and many friends


ich freue mich, dass Ihr auf so engem Raum so gute Stimmung habt und dass Eure Meeresfreunde für Abwechslung sorgen. Gute Fahrt David